John Henningham
Founder & Director, Jschool
John Henningham is a graduate of the Universities of Sydney (MA, BEc) and Queensland (PhD) (Australia's first PhD in Journalism, 1984). He worked as a journalist with Sydney metropolitan newspapers the Daily Mirror and the Sun, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and with the national Australian newspaper, The Australian, as well as part-time with the Brisbane Courier-Mail and Sun and with Japan's Kyodo news agency. He has contributed to a range of publications including The Guardian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, Time and the Bulletin, and edits the online performing arts magazine, In 1975 John Henningham was awarded a Japanese Mombusho research scholarship to study at the Institute of Journalism, Tokyo University. He joined the University of Queensland as a lecturer in 1978 and was appointed senior lecturer in 1984, journalism coordinator in 1986, Foundation Professor of Journalism in 1989 and head of the Journalism Department in 1996. He established Jschool in 2001, with the first intake of students in 2002, and in 2002 was also appointed Edward Wilson Visiting Professor of Journalism at Deakin University, Geelong. John Henningham has been a visiting research fellow or research consultant at the East-West Center's Institute of Culture & Communication (Hawaii), Unesco (Paris), Institute of Multimedia Education (Japan), Reuter Foundation Program (Oxford) and the London College of Printing. He is the author of more than 100 academic and professional articles, chapters and reviews in national and international publications, was editor of Australian Journalism Review from 1983 to 1990 and founding editor of Australian Studies in Journalism (1992 to 2000) and Australian Journalism Monographs (1998-2000). He has been referee/advisory board member for the journals Journalism Studies, Asia Pacific Media Educator, Australian Journalism Review and Media International Australia. He is a member of the board of Stuartholme School, chairman of the board's education committee, and member of the executive of the Association of Independent Schools, Queensland. John Henningham lives in Brisbane and is married with four children.
Books and monographs
- (1988) Looking at Television News, Melbourne: Longman Cheshire
- (1990) Issues in Australian Journalism (ed), Melbourne: Longman Cheshire
- (1991) Institutions in Australian Society (ed), St Lucia: Journalism Department, University of Queensland
- (1992) Journalism's Threat to Freedom of the Press, University of Queensland Inaugural Lecture, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 41pp
- (1995) [with Anthony Delano] The News Breed: British Journalists in the 1990s, London: London Institute 35pp
- (1999) Institutions in Australian Society (ed), Melbourne: Oxford University Press [revised edition. Also 1995]
Articles and chapters
- (1977) "Nihon no nikkan Eiji-shi: naiyo bunseki karamita" ("Japan's English-language daily newspapers: a content analysis"), Shimbun Kenkyu ("Newspaper Research"), 315 (10): 85-93.
- (1978) "Diffusion of major news: Australian data", Media Information Australia, 10: 9-12.
- (1979) "Some attitudes and preferences of Brisbane news media users", Media Information Australia, 14: 16-25.
- (1979) "Kyodo gate-keepers: a study of Japanese news flow", Gazette: International Journal for Mass Communication Studies, 25 (1): 23-30.
- (1979) "Journalists and professionalisation", Australian Journalism Review, 2 (1): 15-20.
- (1979) "Do news audiences want what they get?" Australian Scan, 5: 1-8.
- (1980) "Journalists on strike: did readers care?" Australian Journalism Review, 3 (3): 7-9.
- (1980) "A reply to Mayer", Politics, 15 (1): 96-97.
- (1980) "Anti-government stories in two Australian newspapers, 1972-78", Politics, 15 (1): 89-94.
- (1980) "A study of political information of news media users", Australian Journalism Review, 3 (1): 9-15.
- (1981) "Patterns of interest in television news", Politics, 16 (2): 235-37.
- (1981) "The television journalist: a profile", Media Information Australia, 22: 3-7.
- (1982) "How TV news meets people's needs", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 18 (3): 417-27.
- (1982) "Television journalists: participant and neutral values", Australian Journal of Communication, 1&2: 1-13.
- (1983) "Readers' reactions to the new daily", Australian Journalism Review, 5 (1): 23-25.
- (1984) "Comparisons between Australian and US broadcast journalists' professional values", Journal of Broadcasting, 28: 323-331.
- (1984) "Comparisons between three versions of the professional orientation index", Journalism Quarterly, 61: 302-309.
- (1985) (with Patricia A.
Couvillon & Hayato Yamanaka) "Newspaper images of seven Asian and Pacific nations", Australian Journalism Review, 7: 52-60.
- (1985) "Relations between television news gratifications and content preferences", Gazette: International Journal for Mass Communication Studies, 35: 197-208.
- (1985) "Below the salt: how TV journalists view their viewers", Metro: Media and Education Magazine, 66: 18-21 [condensed from chapter 9 of PhD thesis].
- (1985) "Newsroom as locker room: television journalists in Australia", Media Information Australia, 35: 23-27 [summary of PhD thesis].
- (1985) "Journalism as a profession: a re-examination", Australian Journal of Communication, 8: 1-17 [drawn from chapter 5 of PhD thesis].
- (1986) "News media representation of ethnic minorities", in (Ed) Sheila Allison, Seen One, Seen Them All: Media Representation of Ethnic and Minority Groups. Study Guide, Melbourne: Australian Teachers of Media, pp. 12-23 [condensed version of chapter published by UNESCO, 1986].
- (1986) "An Australian perspective on educators as researchers", Journalism Educator, 41 (3): 8-12.
- (1986) "Ethnic minorities in Australian media", Chapter 2 in UNESCO, Mass Media and the Minorities, UNESCO Regional Office, Bangkok, pp. 39-81.
- (1988) "Two hundred years of Australian journalism: a history waiting to be written", Australian Cultural History, 7: 49-64.
- (1989) "Industry and academic views of journalism education", Australian Journalism Review, 11: 67-72.
- (1989) "Why and how journalists should be professionalised", Australian Journalism Review, 11: 27-32.
- (1989) "Two decades' changes in news flow between seven countries in the Pacific hemisphere", in Osborne, Graeme and Margaret Madrigal (eds) International Communication: In Whose Interest? (Papers presented at the First Canberra Conference on International Communication, December 1-5, 1986), University of Canberra: Centre for Communication and Information Research, pp.403-420.
- (1990) "Issues in planning a survey of journalists", Australian Journalism Review, 12: 171-174. [article same as above].
- (1990) "Television versus educational values", Proceedings, Second International Symposium on University Distance Education, Open University/Institute of Multi-Media Education (Chiba, Japan, 19-20 Oct, 1989), Chiba: Institute of Multimedia Education.
- (1990) "Is journalism a profession", in John Henningham (Ed), Issues in Australian Journalism, Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, pp.129-161.
- (1991) "Mass media", in John Henningham (Ed), Institutions in Australian Society, St Lucia: Journalism Department, University of Queensland.
- (1991) (with Lawrence Apps) "Media coverage", in Rosemary Whip & Colin A. Hughes (eds), Political Crossroads: the 1989 Queensland Election, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, pp.153-161.
- (1991) "Designing a survey of Australian journalists", Media Information Australia, 59: 71-73
- (1992) "Flaws in the melting pot: Hawaiian media", in Stephen H. Riggins (Ed), Ethnic Minority Media: An International Perspective, Newbury Park: Sage, pp.149-161.
- (1993) "Australian journalists' attitudes to education", Australian Journalism Review, 15 (2): 77-90
- (1993) "Characteristics and attitudes of Australian journalists", Electronic Journal of Communication, 4 (3): np [on-line journal].
- (1993) "Multicultural journalism: a profile of Hawaii's newspeople", Journalism Quarterly, 70: 550-557.
- (1993) "The holy grail of editorial freedom", in Kaye Healey (Ed), The Media in Focus, Wentworth Falls: The Spinney Press.
- (1993) "The press", in Stuart Cunningham & Graeme Turner (eds), Media in Australia: Theories, Audiences, Texts, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, pp.59-71.
- (1994) [with Anthony Delano] "Talk about journalism ...? Sorry, no comment", British Journalism Review, 5 (3): 58-62.
- (1994) "The Press Council: a complaint", Australian Studies in Journalism, 3: 372-387.
- (1994) "A suggested core curriculum in journalism education", Australian Journalism Review, 16 (1): 88-93.
- (1994) "Ethnic differences in journalists' ethical attitudes", Asian Journal of Communication, 4 (1): 1-11.
- (1994) "Cultural journalism (Australia)", in Eugene Benson & L.W. Conolly (eds), Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures in English, London: Routledge.
- (1995) "Australian journalists' reactions to new technology", Prometheus, 13 (2): 225-238.
- (1995) "Australian journalists' religious views", Australian Religious Studies Review, 8 (2): 63-77.
- (1995) "A profile of Australian sports journalists", ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 42 (3) [149], 13-17.
- (1995) "Political journalists' political and professional values", Australian Journal of Political Science, 30 (2), 321-334.
- (1995) "Auntie's 'watchbitch': journalists' opinions of Media Watch", Australian Journalism Review, 17 (1): 47-56.
- (1995) "Journalism in the USA and Australia: some comparisons", Australian Journal of Communication, 22 (1): 77-91.
- (1995) "Who are Australia's science journalists?", Search, 26 (3): 89-94.
- (1995) "Media", in J. Henningham (Ed), Institutions in Australian Society, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- (1995) "Introduction", in J. Henningham (Ed), Institutions in Australian Society, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- (1995) "Journalists' perception of bias", Australian Journalism Review, 17(2): 28-31.
- (1996) "Journalists' perceptions of newspaper quality", Australian Journalism Review, 18 (1): 13-19.
- (1996) [with Anthony Delano] "A fin de siecle forecast", British Journalism Review, 7 (1): 55-61.
- (1996) "Australian journalists' views on professional associations", Asia-Pacific Media Educator, 1 (1): 144-152.
- (1996) "Australian norms on Eysenck's short personality test", Psychological Reports, 79: 671-674.
- (1996) "A 12-item scale of social conservatism", Personality and Individual Differences, 20 (4): 517-519.
- (1996) "Australian journalists' professional and ethical values", Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 73: 206-218.
- (1996) "The shape of daily news: a content analysis of Australia's metropolitan newspapers", Media International Australia, 79: 22-34.
- (1997) "The journalist's personality: an exploratory study", Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 74 (3):615-624.
- (1997) "Characteristics and attitudes of Australia's finance journalists", Economic Analysis & Policy, 27 (1): 45-58.
- (1997) "A short scale of economic conservatism", Psychological Reports, 81: 1019-1024.
- (1998) "Ideological differences between Australian journalists and their public", Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 3 (1): 92-101.
- (1998) "The Australian journalist", in Myles Breen (Ed), Journalism: Theory and Practice, Sydney: Macleay Press.
- (1998) [with Anthony Delano] "British journalists", in David Weaver (Ed), The Global Journalist, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- (1998) "Australian journalists", in David Weaver (Ed), The Global Journalist, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- (1999) "Introduction", in J. Henningham (Ed), Institutions in Australian Society, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- (1999) "Media", in J. Henningham (Ed), Institutions in Australian Society, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- (1999) "Keynote address", World Association of Press Councils' First Oceania Regional Conference, Australian Press Council Conference Papers, 1: 10-16.
- (1999) "Proud to be a journalism educator", Australian Journalism Review, 21 (3): 181-196.
- (2000) "Diffusion of news on the death of a princess", Australian Journalism Review, 22:2, pp. 23-33
- (forthcoming) "Australian and New Zealand media" in Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications, San Diego: Academic Press
- (forthcoming) "Cultural journalism (Australia)", Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures in English, London: Routledge
- (2002) "The impact of technology on magazines", Rotary Regional Editors' Conference, Brisbane;
- (2002) convenor, Victorian Journalism Educators Symposium, Deakin House, Melbourne, 4 July;
- (2001) chair, "Mediating globalisation" conference, Foundation for Development Cooperation/Commonwealth Journalists' Association/Centre for International Journalism, Brisbane, 16-17 July;
- (2000) host and conference chair, Journalism Education Association conference, Mooloolabah, December;
- (1999) Keynote Address, World Association of Press Councils' First Oceania Regional Conference, Brisbane;
- (1998) Keynote Address, "Challenges in journalism education and research", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Yeppoon, December;
- (1998) Rapporteur, Journalism Educators' Discussions, Commonwealth Press Union Editors Forum, Penang, October;
- (1998) Discussant, UNESCO Symposium: Reconceptualising learning, Australian National Commission for UNESCO, COTAH Southbank, Brisbane, April 3-4;
- (1996) "Challenges facing journalists working for the religious press", Australian Religious Press Association, annual conference, Banyo College, Brisbane;
- (1994) "Political journalists' political views", International Communication Association annual conference, Sydney, May;
- (1993) "The Australian journalist in the 1990s", International Communication Association annual conference, Washington, May (in absentia);
- (1991) "Approaches to designing a survey of journalists", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Gold Coast, December;
- (1990) Panelist, "The media, culpable or bystanders?", Ethics in the Public Sector national conference (Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration), Brisbane, September;
- (1989) "How and why journalists should be professionalised", News Unlimited Conference, University of Sydney, February (published in The Journalist, May, 1989);
- (1988) "Hawaii: news media in a multi-ethnic community", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Toowoomba, July;
- (1986) "Two decades' changes in news flow between seven countries in the Pacific hemisphere", First Canberra Conference on International Communication, December 1-5;
- (1986) "Dominant news values in Australian television news", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Fremantle, December;
- (1985) "Seven Asian and Pacific nations' images of each other through the news media: a progress report on an East-West Center study", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Brisbane, August;
- (1985) "Ethnic minorities in Australian media", UNESCO Seminar for Program on the Elimination of Prejudice, Intolerance, Racism and Apartheid, Paris, September 2-6;
- (1984) "Journalism as a paradigm", International Communication Association, annual conference, Honolulu, May;
- (1984) (with Patricia A. Couvillon & Hayato Yamanaka) "A content analysis approach to international news flow and intercultural images", International Communication Association, annual conference, Honolulu, May;
- (1981) "Some occupational characteristics of metropolitan television journalists", Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science 51st Congress, Communication Section, Brisbane, May;
- (1979) "Political information of news media users", Journalism Education Association annual conference, Brisbane, December.