Applicants are assessed on their potential for cadetship positions in journalism. Criteria include commitment to a journalism career, general knowledge and written & spoken communication skills. A strong motivation to be a journalist is very important.
Applicants should have at least completed senior school studies with good results in English and other subjects involving writing and research skills. Some tertiary or technical study or other 'life experiences' beyond secondary school would help. (Successful Jschool applicants have had a variety of backgrounds, ranging from high school leavers to university postgraduates, and including people with previous professional careers, technical, administrative or artistic work, part-completed degrees and recent completion of high school.)
We will be interested to see examples of your writing, and to talk to you about your plans. Completion of the course does not guarantee employment as a journalist, but we will give as much support and advice as we can when it comes to looking for work.
Jschool is not a VET Student Loans provider. To reduce the financial burden, students are able to pay fees via monthly direct debits set up by PaySmart.
For the current fee schedule, please see: Schedule of tuition fees.
Support through Centrelink: Australian Jschool students are eligible to apply for support through Centrelink for Youth Allowance (students under 25) or Austudy (students 25 and over). Details on allowances may be obtained from any Centrelink office or by phoning 132 490. (Web site: