Jschool invites applications from people of any age or background with an interest in journalism as a potential career.
They should be alert, curious and passionate about news. They should have good basic written and spoken communication skills and should be willing to learn. They should be prepared to make a full-time commitment to their studies and should see themselves as trainee journalists rather than college students.
Jschool’s students come from a range of backgrounds. They include those with a degree and a previous professional career, as well as students with part-completed university study, and some students with no further education beyond senior high school. In selecting students for the Diploma of Journalism we are particularly interested in their demonstrated aptitude and commitment to journalism as a career.
All our graduates have been either offered work in journalism or a related field, or have chosen to transfer credit from their journalism studies towards a university degree.
For comments by former Jschool Diploma of Journalism students click here.
The director of Jschool is well-known Australian journalism educator John Henningham. With 40 years' experience in journalism and journalism education, John Henningham has achieved significant national firsts the first Australian to be appointed to a Journalism Chair [Foundation Professor of Journalism, University of Queensland, 1989] and the first Australian PhD in Journalism [1984]. He has worked in suburban, metropolitan, national and international journalism and has published widely in the areas of journalism and news media.CV and publications.
Senior lecturer specialising in news reporting, investigative reporting and media ethics is Desley Bartlett, a former magazine and community newspaper journalist who has directed senior print journalism subjects and publications at the University of the Sunshine Coast, University of Queensland and Griffith University.
Also teaching Jschool students are senior journalists from local and national news media, who provide guest lectures and assist with tutoring. The course involves visits from major newspaper editors and executives as well as representatives of other media. Experts from the fields of politics, government, economics and the arts also contribute to Jschool teaching.
Regular contributors to the Jschool Diploma of Journalism teaching program include: David Anderson, former executive producer of ABC Radio News and author of Pitfalls in the Law for Journalists, Bob Bottom, nationally-known investigative and crime journalist, Mike Colman, senior sports columnist with the Courier-Mail, Steve Connolly, Queensland bureau chief, Australian Associated Press, Antony Funnell, ABC radio journalist and compere of the Media Report, Don Gordon-Brown, editor and co-publisher of the Brisbane Independent and The Bug, Kerry Green, professor and head of journalism at University of South Australia, Ben Hawke, producer of the ABC's 7.30 Report and formerly senior producer with Nine's Sixty Minutes, A Current Affair and Business Sunday as well as the ABC's Australian Story, Graeme Kinnear, manager of Parliament Education Services, Queensland Parliament House, Mandy Lake, award-winning film-maker and photographer, Lindsay Marshall, freelance journalist Brisbane and co-publisher of the Brisbane Independent and The Bug, Roylene Mills, Parliamentary Education Services, Levi Obijiofor, international journalism researcher and former night editor of the Lagos Guardian, Trina McLellan, Courier-Mail sub-editor, writer on ethics and representative of journalist support organisation Dart Centre Australasia, Roger Patching, co-author of broadcast journalism text Now the News in Detail and former president of the Journalism Education Association, Gerald Tooth, ABC radio journalist, Doug Tucker, political scientist and authority on local government, John Wallace, director of the Asia-Pacific Journalism Centre, Leona Wallace, shorthand teacher, David Waters, Queensland secretary, Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (incorporating Australian Journalists Association), Belinda Weaver, internet journalist and author.